
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Siding Update

First we would like to thank Rachel for her comment regarding the siding color in our previous post and pointing us to another blog where the real issue was posted. We visted that blog and that siding was really pinkish. We went back to the SR and we did quite a bit of research for the past two days. We infact carried the siding sample with us to compare the sample with the siding on the houses which had "Autumn Beige". We confirmed that the "Autumn Beige" siding provided in our community does not have the pink undertone. So we have decided to stay with "Autumn Beige".

We are happy that we did the research to make sure that we made the right decision. This wouldn't have been possible without our e-family members especially Rachel.


  1. I'm so glad that you were able to confirm that the sample that you liked looks the same on a house :). Our sample looked nothing like the houses and I know I would have been so upset to have an unexpectedly pink house. Just didn't want someone else to go through that either.

  2. I don't know how I missed it. I walked a railroad most of the way to school all during elementary school, and still down there to catch the bus to high school.

  3. Such a huge and fabulous look of the house, I like the style and the design of it and I hope that the interior part of it really good at the same time.-Siding installation Barrie-
