
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Pre-Construction Meeting

Tomorrow we are have our pre construction meeting....Wow! We were growing impatient waiting for this day..It's finally here.

We were called by our SR this past Friday to let us know that they have gotten the permit to begin the work. Hoo Hooo

He preferred that we take the pre-contruction meeting appnt. either on Tuesday or Wednesday because of the two other pre-cons meetings that our PM has on Monday. We were so excited by hearing the news that we didn't want to delay (according to SR, having pre-construction meeting either on Tuesday or Wednesday wouldn't delay a thing in the construction process) the process further. We got an appnt. for Monday. Even though we haven't met our PM, we have a feeling that he is very co-operative.

For the pre-construction meeting, we are taking all our paper work related to various options that we have chosen and the change orders that we have placed so far in order to cross check and to be same page with everyone.

We are so ready to have this meeting.....looking forward for the construction to begin.


  1. If you still have time before you meeting, I suggest that you make a list of every selection you've made categorized by room. This was a suggestion by another blogger (BD) and it was a great help at our preconstruction meeting. Our PM went room by room and we were able to check off our list as we went. We had made many changes and wanted to be sure all were included. Hope this helps! Congrats on finally getting started!

  2. Good luck guys, great tip from Rachel! --Ericka
